NNU Income Program: How To Make 1,000 Naira or More Daily Online Reading News on NNU News
NNU Income Program is the best get paid to read news platform in Nigeria that is helping the Youths to earn 50,000 Naira to 100,000 Naira extra monthly income. Alot of low income earners in Nigerian seeking online opportunities to earn extra income are now smiling to the bank at the end of the month because they now get double alerts. One from their normal job and the second one from NNU income. NNU income is the first of it's kind in Nigeria and the leading get paid to read news website. It currently has over 500,000 members and has paid out to members more than 400million Naira in earnings. Few years ago, nobody would have thought of this awesome concept of getting paid to read news online in Nigeria. But Paul Samson CEO of G-cyber Technologies Limited, the creative online entrepreneur from Nigerian and a professional web developer come up with this concept to help Nigerian Youths to escape from poverty. What NNU income does exactly for the Youth in Nigeria is not j...