iCharity Club Review: How To Make 6,000 Naira Daily online With Paying Mlm in Nigeria.

iCharity club is one of the paying Mlm in Nigeria and an easy way to make 6,000 Naira daily online . The iCharity Club has been around for some time now but people tend to under estimate the earning potential of this paying Mlm in Nigeria. Anybody that have the startup cost of $20 (N6,000 ) can make extra 300k monthly to take of  family bills or other expenses. Even though you have no experience or academic qualification you can earn with iCharity Club paying mlm. Even the smallest kids can do this! That is to show you how easy it is to make 6,000 naira or more daily online with iCharity Club paying mlm in Nigeria.

However, I'm not promising you to get rich quick with iCharity club Nigeria but you can make consistent daily income with this paying mlm in Nigeria if you can invest some time to build this business.  iCharity is a community of people  helping each other to go gain financial freedom. They are helping others and getting help too. If you can take your time to understand the concept of this paying Mlm in Nigeria, you will discover how easy it is for most youth to make money online without engaging in fraudulent activities.

In Asia and other countries, they have understood the power of team building and they are using it to better their lives but Nigerians are still backward because everybody is claiming to be the wise instead of coming together and working together to build a team of  happy people helping each other to better their lives with paying mlm in Nigeria such as iCharity Club.

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iCharity club How it Works.

The icharity club has been upgraded in 2018 and the earnings has become faster!
Therefore, you can earn 300k or more in iCharity in just few weeks. Every new member joining the iCharity Club Paying mlm in Nigeria starts from level 1. After  doing the free signup, you make your first donation of  N6,000 to your Upline which will make you to be eligible to receive payments of N6,000 from 5 other members  which sum up to N30,000 within 1-10 days. One cool thing about earning in iCharity club is, there is auto referral & spillovers

You don't need to be the only one to invite the 5 people required on your level 1. You can earn your first  N30,000 in even less than 10 days by directly referring new members yourself, getting spillovers from your upline or getting randoms assigned referrals from the system through auto referral.

Still on iCharity Club and how it works, once your level 1 is filled up, and you have earned the N30,000, you will upgrade to level 2 with N 12,000 ($40) and from this level upwards the iCharity becomes more interesting as you will be getting auto referrals without any need to refer again.
On this level 2 , you will receive N 12,000 from 25 members making N300,000. This can also take another 10 - 20 days depending on how fast your team is.

level 3- Level 10 are also auto referral levels and once you continue to upgrade to higher levels as the current level fills up, you will continue to earn. The highest earning in the iCharity club is $16 Million and when you convert to Nara by multiplying with the exchange rate of N300/$ it's about N5 Billion.

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The table above shows the various levels in the iCharity Club Nigeria and the amount you earn in dollars.
For those that find it difficult understanding tables, let me explain the table abit.

The table is based on an exchange rate of N300/$ so any dollar amount you see on the table should be multiplied with N300 to get the Naira equivalent.

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iCharity Club Compensation Plan

Level 1;
Donate $20, 20x 300 = N6,000
Receive $100, 100x300 = N30,000 (You will receive N6,000 each rom 5 People)

Level 2;
Donate $40, 40x 300 = N12,000
Receive $1,000, 1,000x300 = N300,000 (You will receive N12,000 each from 25 people)

Level 3;
Donate $80, 80x 300 = N24,000
Receive $10,000, 10,000x300 = N3,000,000 (You will receive N24,000 each from 125 people)

Level 4;
Donate $120, 120x 300 = N36,000
Receive $75,000, 75,000x300 = N22,500,000 (You will receive N36,000 each from 625 people)

Level 10;
Donate $1,670, 1,670x 300 = N501,000
Receive $16,308,593,750, 16,308,593,750x300 = N4.89Billion (You will receive N501,000 each from 9,725,625 people)

Just imagine being able to complete only level 1 to 3 in less than a month, you would have pocketed
about N3,000,000 already from a this paying Mlm in Nigeria you started with ordinary N6,000.
The potential of iCharity Club Nigeria is limitless. So take action and register your account now.

How To Register or Join iCharity Club.

1. Click here To Join The iCharity Club then fill the form as seen below with your personal details and click on submit.

2. Check your email for welcome message from iCharity Club, it contains your username and password you will use to access the website and click on login Now.

3. Once you login to your iCharity Club dashboard, the first thing you should do is to click on user account drop down menu and click on Add Bank Account, then Update your user profile next and lastly  Click on Upgrade Membership.

How To Upgrade or Activate Your iCharity Club Account.

After you complete your profile update, the next thing to do is activate you account by upgrading from free membership to level 1 of the iCharity.

How will you do this?

Just click on the upgrade membership tab still under the user account drop down menu.
On the next window, you will see the amount you are to pay for the upgrade and the person you are paying to including the account details.

Copy the account details and make the payment of  N6,000 if it is level 1 that you are upgrading to that is $20 @ N300/$. Then upload your proof of payment as shown below.

Once you complete the above step, your account will be activated and when you login, you will see on your dashboard that you are now on level 1. That means you can start receiving payments in the iCharity Club program and you have started your journey to the Billion Naira earnings in 2018.

All payments in the iCharity Club are from member to member and it goes directly to the Bank Account you provided when you updated your User Profile.

 Click here To Join The iCharity Club

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After you complete your account upgrade, go the marketing tab on your icharity dashboard, then click on the Ads gallery drop down menu, there you will have access to marketing materials without having to crack your head on what to do.

There are many post ideas there already and if you have set up your profile properly, everything becomes easy. just click on share and you can post to facebook, twitter, google plus, linked immediately. Doing this will make you get referrals easily and make ateast 6,000 Naria daily Online in Nigeria

That is how powerful and easy the icharity club is, and with in few days you should start seeing earnings flowing in from this paying Mlm in Nigeria.
 If you work consistently, you be able to become a Billionaire in 2018. It's not too late to start, You can Start now. Have you tried the iCharity Club yet? let know if it worked for you in the comment section.


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