What keywords should I use for my book on Amazon Kdp?
What keywords should I use for my book on Amazon Kdp? If you don't want to spend any money promoting your books on amazon, you want to rely solely on organic search traffic, then this will be the most important post you are going to read on Facebook. This is because as a self publishing author on Amazon, choosing the right keywords is very crucial for the success of your book publishing business. If you choose the right keywords for a book that a lot of people are interested and searching for, you will make lot of sales and reverse is the case when you choose the wrong set of keywords for your books. So how exactly can one choose the right keywords for kdp? With the secret i will soon be sharing with you, you will not only be able to choose the right keywords for your books but buyers also will be able to find your book through search and buy your books. With this, you should be making nothing less than 1-3 sales daily and royalty of $500 -$5,000 per month. But first, do you fall...