How to do Instant Wakanda Affiliate Program Registration and Account Activation

Wakanda Affiliate program is a legit Affiliate Marketing  Program where you can make 7,000 Naira Weekly online in Nigeria. On Wakanda Nation get paid to read news online website offering this awesome affiliate program, you will get paid to read news, daily login, Post on Facebook and Comment in interesting news articles.
Making money online in Nigeria with the Wakanda Affiliate Program is so Super simple. I still see alot people in Nigeria that waste money weekly on internet data subscription to read news, post on social media websites like facebook etc but make nothing back. Don't worry if you are one of them and reading this blog post now as i will show you exact steps to start earning extra income weekly with this Affiliate Program
The wakanda Nation Program has introduced a new Wakanda Payment system for instant Affiliate Account Activation so it now easier to join and start making money. Before now, the only payment option available for affiliate account activation was direct bank deposit which is a manual and very slow process. But in July 2018, 2 other options has been introduced to speed the Account registration and Activation;
1. Automatic Online payment with Your ATM debit Card of any Bank
2. Wakanda Coupon code from Authorized wakanda Coupon Vendors
The direct Bank deposit option for Wakanda Affiliate Account Registration and Activation  has been stopped and new Affiliate members about to join the Wakanda Nation should take note of this.
Steps To Register and Activate Wakanda Affiliate Acoount Instantly.
Automatic Online payment with Your ATM Card from Any Bank is the fastest way to register and activate Wakanda Affiliate Account
1. Click here to start wakanda Affiliate Registration
2. Once on the page Click on Register

3. On the Next Page Click Register Affiliate Account

4. This is  the check out page where you can pay with your ATM Card.

5. Fill your info for Registration, Scroll down and Click on Place Order.

6. On the Next Page Pay for your Order by Clicking on Pay Now

7. Once you Click on Pay Now a Pop up Will appear where you can make Payment with your Atm Card

8. Enter the Number in front of Your AtmCard as the Card Number
9. Enter The date below it as the Valid Date
10. At the back of your card you will see 3 numbers, enter it where you see CVV and click on
Pay N1,300 
11. You will be debited only N1,300 for the Wakanda Affilliate Program Activation fee.
12. You will get a welcome email from Wakanda Nation
13. Your Account will be activated immediately and you can now Login and start earning.

But if you prefer to Use the Wakanda Nation Coupon Code To Activate Your Account, the step is almost the same. The Only difference is you have to buy a Coupon code from Authorized Wakanda Coupon Code Vendors.
Steps To Register and Activate Wakanda Affiliate Account With Coupon Code
To buy Wakanda Coupon Code, Click on the Buy Coupons Here Tab at the top of the home page of Wakanda Nation Website and You will see the list of Approved Wakanda Coupon Vendors there. Then Follow this format to Chat and buy Coupon code from any of the Wakanda Coupon Vendors,
 it's just 1,300 Naira.
How to chat with Wakanda Coupon Vendor

Tip**** Make Sure The Vendor is Online on WhatsApp before you make payment and chat with him/her to be sure you can get your Coupon Code immediately.****

Hi Do you still have Wakanda Coupon code for sale?
If the response is No, then chat with another agent.

Hi Do you still have Wakanda Coupon code for sale?
If the response is Yes,
Then ask for account details for payment like this
"Can you please send your account details, i want to make
payment for 1 Wakanda Coupon Code"
Once the Vendor send his account number, then make the payment
and copy your debit alert or transaction details or even make a screenshot of the transaction.
Get back to the Vendor on Whatsapp and send this
"I just made payment of 1,300 Naira to your account. This is the details of the transaction"
Name of Account you used to pay:
Transaction Id/Ref
Mode of payment/ ATM/Mobile transfer/Cash deposit
attach your screenshot.
After that, send this to the Agent
"Can you confirm the payment and send my coupon code"
Then Vendor will send your Coupon code once the payment has been received
The coupon code will look something like this


Once you get your coupon codes, then follow the steps below to complete your Affiliate registration and start earning on wakanda Nation

1. Click here to start wakanda Affiliate Registration
2. Once on the page Click on Register

3. On the Next Page Click Register Affiliate Account

4. This is  the check out page, If you have a Coupon Code already, then follow the step below

Click on Click here to enter your Coupon Code
5. In the box below it, enter your coupon code and Click Apply Coupon.
6. Then Fill the Account info section with your email, username and password
7. scroll down to the bottom of the page and Click on Place Order
8. You will get a welcome email from Wakanda
9. Once Your Account has been Activated, you can now Login and start earning.

How to make Money With  Wakanda Affiliate Program
Once Your Account has been activated,
You will earn 50 naira daily to post on Facebook
You will earn 50 Naira daily to Login
You will earn 2 Naira per comment
You will earn 1,000 Naira per Sale generated through your Wakanda Nation affiliate link.

How To Get Your Wakanda Nation Affiliate Link
Once your Account is Activated, login to your Account and at the top of the Welcome page, Click on Affiliate Area. In the Affiliate Area, you can see your Wakanda Affiliate Referral link.
Other things you can see in the Affiliate Area include Your statistics, Referrals, Payouts, Daily Sponsored Post etc.

How To Make More Money on Wakanda Affiliate program.
Once you Activate your Affiliate Account, you will able to earn 1,000 Naira per referred Sale aside the daily logins, Sponsored post on facebook,comments etc. So to make more money with Wakanda Affiliate Program, Get your Affiliate link and share on facebook,whatsapp, google plus, etc or even make a Video on Youtube about the Wakanda Nation program.
I wish you happy earning. For other Activity based program that pays for every click on your referral link, pays to submit email,pays for daily login etc, very cheap to start and get paid every Saturday and Sunday. Click Here


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